Friday, September 7, 2012

36 weeks (plus a few days)

Here we are in week 36, slowly inching our way to week 37. A few days from now I will be carrying a "full term" baby around which is so much more relieving then I ever anticipated it would be. His lungs are nice and developed, he has just enough brown fat on his body to regulate his own temperature, and his reflexes are daily improving. Of course, I still have a few more weeks until my due date, but the sense of accomplishment I feel at this point is really wonderful. We've almost made it, and the finish line is very much in sight. 

That all said, I'm starting to wig out. 

This morning has been a perfect example of that. I'm curled up in a little nook of the cozy Panera not too far from our house. I've spent the morning enjoying my favorite type of escape, the type where I can people-watch, pray and process for as long as I'd like without worrying about the clock or any particular responsibility I have. It's a "leave it all behind" type of escape, and it's very freeing. 

Then "it" hits me... A wave of overwhelming revelation about the transition I'm in. I remember that it's only a matter of days before my life is going to completely change forever. This season of pregnancy is simply incomparable to anything else. It is one of the most dynamic experiences I've ever endured, and while it has felt like a very slow 9 month journey, I sometimes find myself longing for more time to prepare. Yet, somehow I know that when he is in my arms and I hear him cry for the first time, I'll never want to go back. I'm becoming a mom. 

Well-meaning woman love to give visibly pregnant women lots of advice about the things that are to come. One of the pieces of advice that I've heard numerous times throughout the last few months is typically presented in some variation of this statement, "Enjoy "_____" (shopping, eating a warm meal, sleeping, showering, etc...) now, because you won't be able to do that once baby is here!" ... No matter how true those words are, they're negative, and the more I hear it, the more anxious I become about "losing my freedom." 

What a shame to miss out on everything that a new season (and title) have for me because I'm caught up in the fear of being "less free"... Sometimes I forget what God said;

There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven--
Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NASB)

My promise to my son is this: I will embrace each and every season we go through together. I will learn to spend my days looking forward and not backwards. I will celebrate the time I had as a single (and often selfish) young lady, but I will not waste my dreams longing to return. I will cherish the day I get to cradle you in my arms just as much as the day when I see you walk across the stage in cap and gown. I'll be in this moment, here at Panera, feeling very free... and, in a few months, when you're screaming in your little seat at the table with me, I will kiss you and thank God that He trusted me enough to care for you. Sometimes I will fail, but I promise to always try.

I realize that I don't often share such vulnerable words in this very public forum, but I guess being 9 months pregnant makes you say and do pretty cheesy things. So, those are my big thoughts, and here is my big belly:

I look mad. I promise I'm not.

Happy weekend!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

35 weeks Huge.

Since the last post we've gone to SD for a visit, had a BEAUTIFUL baby shower, put together our crib and changing table, painted the nursery, and put the sweetest pile of baby clothes through the wash. It's been a whirlwind of productivity, family, friendship, and laughs. 

I'm at a loss for words when I even begin to think about expressing my gratitude towards the amazing group of people we have supporting us. Our friends and family create such a fullness to our lives. There simply is no expression to match my thankfulness! And every time I get caught up in the pains of being 9 months pregnant, I try to think on these things.

However, the purpose of this blog to document all, and so I will move on to some of the realities of week 35:

Although I still have 5 weeks to go, (Dear Lord, please let it be less than 5 weeks...) I'm properly claiming my place in the "Get this baby out of me" phase of pregnancy. If you tell me it's too early to do so, I will probably hit you in the face... or, at least, give you a dirty look. 

Here are the top three things that have changed in the last 2 weeks:

1. My belly. This may seem like an obvious one, but with the baby gaining at least a pound a week now, my belly is getting more and more huge with each passing day. Every other part of my body is paying for this.

2. My digits. Are those toes and fingers, or SAUSAGES attached to your hands and feet? ...Did I just have to erase the last sentence at least once to correct the mistakes made by my chubby fingers slipping around the keys? 

Oh, and for the record, I chose to remove my wedding rings this week. Let's just pretend it's due to "swelling," and not the pound of candy I ate after dinner last night.

3. My sleep. Oh wait, I don't do that anymore.

I finally understand why people comment on the brutality of the last part of pregnancy, and yet I still have WEEKS to go. 

The saving grace of it all? I get a really cute baby at the end. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

33 weeks

Poor, neglected blog. Please forgive me! I know that at some point in the future, when I want to reflect on this season of life, I will regret the many weeks that have gone by undocumented.
Nonetheless, there's no time like the present, and I will do my finest now to fill you in on the last two months...

For starters, my most recent appointment informed me that I've officially gained 25 pounds (I'm guessing closer to 30, maybe more, by now seeing as my last appointment was a few weeks ago). None of my shirts fit all the way over my bump, and my "fat pants" are wayyy snug. Despite these facts and figures, I allow myself plenty of sweet treats, and at this point, I don't even care. (I type those words as I bite into a gorgeous piece of banana bread.)

Physical activity is not what it used to be. Sore hips, back, and legs leave me less than enthused about the idea of running on the treadmill or jumping into our favorite twice-a-week yoga class. We have, however, been swimming laps at the local YMCA, and as the weather finally starts to drop below 100 degrees, I've been trying to stroll the neighborhood as much as possible. I regularly find myself dreaming about my first evening jog after Riv is here. I'm looking forward to the day when getting off of the couch isn't physically draining, and my yoga pants don't leave me with a lovely muffin top.

Physical activity for River, on the other hand, is quite the experience. He is an active little bug, and sometimes I wonder if it's possible for a baby that small to bruise me internally? His favorite spot is my rib cage, and his favorite time for play is bedtime. He is so super cute though, and whenever Cameron talks to one side of my belly he immediately shifts himself there, getting as close to dad as possible. Little smarty.

Despite my complaints, my pregnancy has progressed beautifully, and I'm feeling as good as can be expected by a woman carrying a 5 pound baby in her abdomen. My husband is a saint for enduring months of whining and constant demands for "MORE ICE!" (the one and only pregnancy craving I've really had). He is already in the running for "Father/Husband of the year," after voluntarily enrolling himself in a "Daddy Bootcamp" class at the hospital. He was literally the only man there that hadn't been enlisted in the evening by a significant other. The guy is amazing.

Now for some pictures:

Around 29 weeks we got to see our little guy via ANOTHER elective ultrasound. He is the splitting image of his daddy, and it was such a treat to get to stare at him for a few minutes, disecting his every feature:

Here I am two weeks ago, at 31 weeks:

and here I am last week at 32 weeks... It's crazy what a difference 7 days can make:

Just a month and a half left to go, two baby showers to enjoy, and one nursery to decorate. I can't believe how close I am to kissing those sweet cheeks! It gives me butterflies! 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

25 weeks!

We're getting closer to meeting RLJ! My belly is slowly, but surely, expanding... as is the rest of my body.  Here we are at 25 weeks:

I somehow always manage to take these pictures without remembering to put away the junk on the counter. Sorry. I swear I do clean my home on a regular basis.

His kicks are starting to feel like an actual person kicking me in the stomach - Which,  I'm guessing is a good sign, as many painful parts of pregnancy are "a good sign." He moves my whole stomach and will kick my hand off if I push on him. He's feisty! It's exciting to feel that he is getting stronger and bigger, and yet I'm dreading what the kicks and rolls will feel like 2 months from now :)

In other news: It's officially the temperature of the actual sun outside. In case you don't have your conversion charts handy, 110 in Vegas weather = 150 in pregnancy weather. Cam recently informed me that we can expect nearly 120 degrees by late July/August, maybe hotter. Just the thought makes me want to cry. One of the things that I didn't anticipate about this whole move is that I would be spending most of the Summer INSIDE, a new concept for this Southern California girl. A pale complexion and an additional 15 pounds are slightly traumatizing for me at the moment, and I'm on the hunt for a decent/safe self-tanner to bronze my bump. Call me vain, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

I realize that I've become a lazy blogger, and I wish that I can promise that I'll get better, but the truth is I'm slightly forgetful. It isn't until I receive a disgruntled text message from a friend or family member demanding belly shots that I remember to update. But, I do want to document this experience: the good, the bad, and the chubby.

Here's to 15 more weeks (hopefully less...)!!


Saturday, May 19, 2012


River Levi is getting big, my friends.

He is 11 inches, weighs as much as a soda can, and has BIG feet (1.5 inches, compared to the 1 inch average at this point.)

He is an acrobat - His knee was touching his nose for most of our 20 week anatomy scan. He is also a weasel, and although I can clearly feel him kicking from the outside, he thinks it's funny to be completely still whenever dear old dad gets close. Cam may or may not think I'm lying about this wild child kicking up a storm in there.

I'm in love!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

19 weeks

I'm SO sorry I haven't updated in a few weeks! I don't have a valid excuse. If it makes you feel any better, the last time I blogged was also about the last time I went to the gym. Not sure why that would ease your mind, but it's a true fact nonetheless.

In an attempt to self-inspire for this little baby blog, I found a list of "weekly questions" with which to document pregnancy progress. Answering these questions every 7 days seems a little over-kill to me. BUT, I do think it's a pretty cool concept, and I will try to answer them every so often.

Here it goes:

How far along? 19 weeks and some odd days! Just a few days left until I'm at the half-way point!!

Weight Gain? Oh boy... I'm not sure exactly. Last doc. appointment (3 weeks ago) it was 6lbs. But, I feel like I've gained a TON these past few weeks. I'm afraid to know the answer to this question. I'm looking pretty plump!

Sleep? I thought about lying on this question so as to keep my whining to a minimum...But, the truth is i'm starting to think I may never sleep through the night again. At least for the next 10 years. My hips hurt, my bladder is full, and I'm chronically hot. On the bright side, my peach of a husband purchased a body pillow for me that helps SO much! I love him.

Best moment of the week? About a week and a half ago I started to feel my little love kick. It's still the best part of my week. The best part of my day. Very few things are as wonderful! Just can't wait until Cam can feel it too!

What do you miss? Wine. I have dreams at night about drinking a glass of wine. I realize this makes me look like a little bit of a wine-o. I promise I'm not. I just want a glass. Just one.

Movement? The kid is wild in there! I feel him almost every time I'm sitting or lying still.

Food Cravings? I haven't really had intense food cravings. My appetite has been outrageous ever since the morning sickness started to get better! I want to eat all day, which is a very odd thing for me. Could this explain why I've grown another chin in the last 3 weeks? Maybe?

Anything making you sick queasy or sick? I still get the occasional wave of morning sickness. It's just part of this pregnancy for me.

Wedding rings on or off? Wedding rings on. Really hoping I'll be able to keep them on for a while.

Looking forward to: Our next doc appointment on wed!! We will get another ultrasound, and I'm so excited to see how our babe has grown.

I'm going to have Cameron take a belly picture of me tonight so I can update you on the bump progress... It has changed quite a bit! I promise it won't be 3 weeks before you get another update :)

Happy Weekend!

Monday, April 16, 2012

16 Weeks

This week baby and I will hit the 4 month mark! A month from now I will be half way done with this pregnancy, which is exciting because I already cannot wait to meet my son. At our doctors appointment today, I was measuring right on target and baby was active and healthy. Next appointment (May 15th) we will have our anatomy scan, and I'm so looking forward to counting his fingers and toes again!

I want to state for public record that I LOVE my doctor! To all pregnant or hope-to-someday-be-pregnant women: find a doctor that you love and feel comfortable with. My doc is everything I could want in a hospital-brithing physician. He is patient, dedicated, and passionate about creating the best experience for every woman he sees. Here is an article written about him/VBACs in the Las Vegas review Journal... He will literally spend the night at the hospital if he thinks his patient might have a complication to their birth. He is one of the only doctors in the valley willing to do a water birth, attends 99% of his patients births, and when he talks about his patients you can see a twinkle in his eye. He even told Cam (knowing that he is going to PA school) that he could catch the baby if he wants :)... Sorry to ramble. I just want everyone to be this happy with their physician.

I will wrap this scattered, weird post up by showing you the onesie Cameron bought for his son this weekend. I have never seen him so excited or proud about anything. He is going to be dad of the year!

Happy Monday.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Desert Living

A month into my Nevada residence I've come up with a few opinions on desert living. Because the status of my baby bump and morning sickness remains stagnant, I figure today would be a good day to change the subject and share with you my thoughts on vida en Las Vegas.

1) The desert is dry. Obvious as that might seem, my expectations for what dry weather might mean to my daily life didn't span much beyond that thought that I might need to apply lotion twice a day instead of once. I was wrong. No matter how many applications of lotion, my skin remains akin to that of a lizard. I itch. My nose bleeds. I snore. My 32 sticks of chapstick are quickly dwindling. This is an adjustment to be made.

2) It's hot. I have a very small window for what I accept as "perfect weather." San Diego will spoil even the most laid back of people, and as a born and raised Southern California girl, I'm sorry to admit that 90 degrees is just too hot for me. I can't even imagine what 115 in july will be like. When it's 90 degrees in Las Vegas, people wear long sleeve shirts and ugg boots. I on the otherhand, have been forcing my husband to dress as an eskimo in our nicely air conditioned home. I may regret these decisions upon arrival of this months electric bill. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

3) Everyone here has at least one tattoo. I don't feel strongly opposed or for this fact, It's just an observation. I suppose it doesn't really belong in the opinion list just yet, but I thought it was interesting nonetheless.

4) Everything is open 24-7. Perhaps my favorite thing about living in this particular desert. Maybe one of the only things, besides the cheaper cost of living and being close to Cam's family, that I actually enjoy about Las Vegas. The food selection is pretty wonderful too.

5) People drive SO slow. The speed limit on the freeway near our house is 55. People drive 45 on it. Why? Why are you driving so slow? ... Over/under 60 days until I get my first speeding ticket?

That's pretty much it so far. I'm sure I'll have more updates as we get more settled. We're still on the hunt for jobs, Cam starts school in a few weeks, and we have friends and family coming to visit us this month! yay!

In the spirit of maintaining some sort of pregnancy related subject matter on this blog I will update you with this: My thighs are a little confused on where exactly the baby is going to grow. You see, they are rapidly increasing in size, and I'm assuming they think they need to make room for the baby. I keep trying to set them straight by telling them they don't need to grow, my abdomen has it covered, but somehow they still haven't got the memo.

Bikini is not in the forecast this summer.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Baby J is a HE!

Yesterday we had our elective ultrasound and learned that we are having a BOY!

I was completely and totally shocked! I convinced myself we were absolutely having a girl and had to force myself on a number of occasions not to purchase pink, ruffley, glittery baby swag.

I'm sorry I ever doubted you, son.

The ultrasound was one of the coolest experiences ever! The studio had a big comfy bed for the mom-to-be and theater like seating for up to 15 guests. The ultrasound was projected onto a big screen on the wall, and we even got to select music to play in the background. We walked away with lots of pics of our sweet boy, a 15 minute DVD of our ultrasound, and tears in our eyes. Best money spent yet.

These are pictures of the pictures and are a little blurry... Is it weird that I think he's cute already?

The tech (who has never been wrong in 6 years of ultrasounds) had no problems locating his manly parts and said she was 100% sure it was a boy. He was spread eagle, proudly displaying himself. He is his father's son. Not shy.

I'm SO happy and slightly terrified about having a boy. I've always wanted to have a boy first... and now I'm not so sure I even know what to do with one?

One thing is for sure: Whatever we name him, I'll probably end up calling him "Moose."

If you plan to ask me why, I don't have an answer.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Despite the fact that it just looks like I ate one too many potato chips, there really is a baby in there.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hello, Second Trimester.

Today I am officially in my second trimester - 13 weeks feels good, even though sickness is still apart of my daily life.

I love my baby.
It's hard not to love something you sacrifice for.

In other big news: We are now Las Vegans! Our place is kinda cute. We're still getting settled, but once we do, I will take some pics!

It'll still be a few weeks before we get to see the doctor here. We found "The best OB in Las Vegas" according to every source around, which also means he is the busiest. In the meantime, I'm past due on an appointment and am eager to hear my babe's heartbeat - SO, we found an ultrasound place to do a heartbeat scan. It's cheap, and as part of the package they offer guaranteed gender checks. Our appointment in ONE week from today! AH!

Let's pray Baby J is in a good position.

Starting soon, I'll post pictures of the baby bump. There's not much to see, but I'm starting to grow a little! It'll be fun to have some progression pics!

Sorry this post was boring. My charm and wit went out the window around 12 weeks. For your sake, I hope it returns soon.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Reisling, Please.

Do you think it would be ridiculous to request a glass of wine in the hospital post delivery?

With a side of sushi?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Pink Nails and Chubby Face.

Today I felt good ALL day. A first in over a month. I had to document:

I even painted my finger nails.

...and I already have what I like to (delicately) call "Chubby Face"
I am only 10 weeks pregnant.
What am I going to do with myself?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Almost 10 Weeks!

Still sick. Stomach flu 24-7 sick. Crying because I feel like a dying 80 year old sick. Sleep for 14 hours sick.

I'm not sure why, but I always assumed that my pregnant life would be more akin to that of a woman featured on the TV show, "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant." Not that I didn't think I would look pregnant, but more that I would breeze through nine months unscathed by pain or stretch mark. I guess maybe I thought that most pregnant women were a little whimpy. Maybe some are... Maybe I am. But, whatever the case, I was wrong.

They say that morning sickness typically peaks at 10 weeks, and then starts to subside around 12 weeks when the placenta takes over most of the responsibility for producing pregnancy hormones. I'm desperately hoping that those stats hold true for me.

I want my life back now.

I'll be 10 weeks on Thursday, and then a week from Thursday, I will become a Nevada resident. This means that in the next week I have to stop puking and sleeping and start packing up all of our stuff.

I realize I sound a bit "doom and gloom" lately. I promise that my zing will be back soon. But, in the meantime, you may have to endure a few more posts on powerade, saltine crackers, and the various locations in which I find myself sick. Please don't de-friend me.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sorry, Ralph.

Yesterday I tossed my cookies in the parking lot at "Ralphs"

How appropriate.

Have I mentioned that I think pregnancy is really sexy?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Week 9

I am nine weeks today. That means I have one measly little month left of the first trimester. Apparently, it also means that I am a hormonal mess. It's all about perspective.

Here is some information I'd like to share with you on being 9 weeks pregnant:

1) After approximately 30 mins-one hour of any activity (cleaning, walking, internet researching, etc) I'm ready for a nap. preferably a long one.

2) If you smell like wet dog or coconut oil, please don't come near me. I have the nose sensitivity of a wolf and there's no telling how bad the rage may get. Plus I'll puke on you. Guaranteed.

3) My baby is now the size of a green olive and has 99% of the muscles it will ever have. It's starting to move around. I cannot wait to feel those movements!

4) Cramps and heartburn. Why are people not warning poor, unsuspecting women about this?

Pregnancy is so sexy.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


People often talk about how pregnant women have crazy, vivid dreams. Don't ask me why (because, frankly, I'm too tired to google the subject matter) but it's true.

Most women I've talked to about this have had "baby dreams." They dream about what gender their baby will be, what their baby will look like, and fears they have for becoming a parent... Well, so far I've had dreams about moving into a 2 bedroom apartment with 12 other people, getting stuck inside a parking garage stairwell, singing a duet with Taylor Swift, being forced to partake in a pie eating contest, and one slightly inappropriate scenario that probably should not be shared in such a public forum. Baby was not present in any of these dreams.

I'm not sure what any of this means, but I'll just add it to the list of reasons why pregnancy is a very unusual experience.

8 weeks 6 days

Tomorrow I will be 9 weeks, and I'm starting to see a little teeny tiny light at the end of this black tunnel of a first trimester. I barely recognize myself and have spent most of the past two weeks sleeping in bed or next to our dirty toilet (see past post on pregnancy problems here).

I have gained 6 pounds in 9 weeks of saltine crackers and morning sickness.


However!... Today I woke up feeling somewhat human for the first time in a month! I'm guessing I'm not out of the morning sickness woods, but I'll take this opportunity to clean my house and workout while I can.

I think one of the only things that has been helping with the morning sickness (besides Zofran, which works for an hour or two) are PSI bands! If you haven't heard of them and have any issues with morning or motion sickness, you really should check them out. I'm in love.

I'm hesitantly posting this makeup-less, sickly picture of me in the spirit of full disclosure and accurate account keeping. PSI band, extremely chipped nail polish, and large dark circles. Please don't judge me.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Boy or Girl?

I've spent the past hour of my life watching "gender reveals" on youtube, and subsequently crying my eyes out. It has me dreaming about our little babe!! So, I looked up a few old wives tales for predicting gender and thought I'd share some with you... Most are silly and probably pretty inaccurate, but It's all in good fun.

1. The metal or ring test: Tie a ring (or a needle) to a piece of string and have someone hold it over you. If it moves in a circle, it's a girl. If it moves back and forth, it's a boy.
Looked like circles to me. Girl: 1.

2. Morning Sickness: If you have it all day, it's a girl. If you don't have much of it, it's a boy.
As you already know... I have it. all day. bad. Girl: 1.

3. Cold feet: If you have them during pregnancy, it's a boy. If you don't, it's a girl.
I always have cold feet - pregnant or not. I'm a socks wearer. Boy: 1.

4. Chinese Lunar Calendar: Calculate your lunar year and the lunar month in which you conceived (based on the chinese new year). Find your gender on the Chinese Lunar Chart.
According to the calculator at this website, My lunar age is 24 and the lunar month in which we conceived (Jan) is 12. Boy: 1.

5. Sweet or Sour?: If you are craving sweets, it's a girl. If you are craving more sour or salty things, it's a boy.
All food is gross to me these days. But, what I can stomach has been all sour or salty. Boy: 1.

6. Even and Odd: If the mother's age at conception and the year of conception are both even or both odd, it's a girl. If one's even and one's odd, it's a boy.
One's even one's odd. Boy: 1.

7. Right side or left side? If mom likes to lay on her left side, it's a boy. Right side, it's a girl.
I lay on my right side most nights. Girl: 1.

Results -
Boy: 4 points
Girl: 3 points.

Hmm... I guess we will find out in about 2 more months! What do you think it is?! I'm going to post a poll at the very bottom of the blog. Let us know what you think!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pregnancy Problems

We need food.

I need food, husband needs food, baby needs food.

Food comes from the grocery store.

Few things make me more sick than a trip to the grocery store.

Pregnancy Problems.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It's Alive!

We had our first ultrasound today!! What a joy to see our little bean and it's beautiful, wonderful, perfect flicker of a heartbeat... It makes things so much more real. I'm almost 8 weeks - A month out from "being in the clear," but, I just had to share with the world today (and when I say world, I mean facebook). We're trusting God for a healthy, full-term baby!

I'm finally fully engaged and fully excited that I'm going to be a mom! The tear on Cam's cheek when the doc showed us our babe leads me to believe that he is just as excited as me.

When we first got married we decided that we were going to wait 3-5 years until we even thought about having kids. I've caught the baby bug more than once in the last year and half, but still "knew" it would be best to wait. Needless to say, I had a little bit of anxiety about the timing of our pregnancy. But, I'll tell you what, when I saw our "surprise" on the screen today, I didn't even think twice about being thrilled. What a gift from a loving God!

I promise I'll try to keep this blog focused on more entertaining, less mushy matters in the future. But, I just had to share a little sap today - a day that I'll never forget.

Monday, February 20, 2012

7 weeks 4 days

I've never been very good at keeping secrets - A month ago when I sat on the bathroom floor staring at a positive pregnancy test I was convinced that I could go the full first trimester without telling anyone. A week later, 10 people knew. Today, 30 people know. I have a big mouth.

I am 7 weeks and 4 days pregnant today. Our babies mouth, nose, and eyes are all forming this week, and the tiny tadpole is starting to sprout some arms and legs. He or she is the size of a blueberry, the length of a tic tac, and weights less than a gram.

What I want to know is, how can something that tiny make a grown woman feel so sick? I'm queasy all day and count it a success if I can keep down all three meals. My favorite hobby these days is napping, and I haven't been to the gym or put on an acceptable amount of makeup in weeks. This baby has removed my will to clean my house or put on clothes that match. All I can say is this: Praise God for an amazing husband and good pair of sweat pants!

Just be happy you're not Cam.

It's 7:34 pm. Time for bed.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pregnancy Problems.

I'm too sleepy to clean my dirty toilet.

I'm too sick not to spend a generous amount of time hugging my dirty toilet.

Pregnancy Problems.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

we're having a baby.

On January 23rd I felt funny. Actually, I had been feeling funny all week. That night, after our small group I ran to the drug store to buy a pregnancy test because, well, that is what I do. Every other month I convince myself I'm pregnant, take a test that boldly pops up negative, and then I go about my life. Typically, I don't bother Cam with these things because I love him too much to intentionally expose him to crazy town... He has his hands full as it is. This day, however, he called me in the middle of my pee stick expedition and harped me with questions until I gave in and told him what I was doing... He and Jack Bauer have a fool-proof way of getting information... Our phone conversation went something like this:

k: Hi babe!
c: Hi, what are you doing?
k: Oh just needed to stop by the store real quick.
c: What store?
k: Just the drug store.
c: Which drug store?
k: Rite-Aid.
c: What are you getting?
k: Oh nothing. Just some girl stuff.
(usually this is my go-to answer to end any and all questioning)
c: No no no. Don't use "girl stuff" on me again. What are you buying?
k: FINE! A pregnancy test! Geez! Leave me alone!! (exhibit a: hormonal.)

Ok so it wasn't exactly water boarding, but I'm a terrible liar and I gave in... Sensing the excitement in his voice, I told him I probably wasn't pregnant and he should just calm down and not get too excited (Cam's one of those rare finds who has been dreaming of having a kid since he was a kid.)

When I got home I went straight for the bathroom so I could put my husbands mind at ease that we weren't having a baby. I peed on the stick and waited for my moment of relief...

What I saw instead was a second, faint, little pink line.

I've taken a hundred negative tests. This one was for sure positive. I instantly started to shake and headed for Cam, who just smiled. ear to ear. biggest smile I've ever seen, and calm as a cucumber. We're having a baby.

For those of you who have been dying to see a positive pregnancy test, today is your lucky day. And, for those of you who are scweemish about things like pregnancy tests, swollen boobs, and vomit, this is probably not going to be your favorite blog. To the rest of you, thanks for taking this journey with me.

What is Baby J's Gender?