Monday, April 16, 2012

16 Weeks

This week baby and I will hit the 4 month mark! A month from now I will be half way done with this pregnancy, which is exciting because I already cannot wait to meet my son. At our doctors appointment today, I was measuring right on target and baby was active and healthy. Next appointment (May 15th) we will have our anatomy scan, and I'm so looking forward to counting his fingers and toes again!

I want to state for public record that I LOVE my doctor! To all pregnant or hope-to-someday-be-pregnant women: find a doctor that you love and feel comfortable with. My doc is everything I could want in a hospital-brithing physician. He is patient, dedicated, and passionate about creating the best experience for every woman he sees. Here is an article written about him/VBACs in the Las Vegas review Journal... He will literally spend the night at the hospital if he thinks his patient might have a complication to their birth. He is one of the only doctors in the valley willing to do a water birth, attends 99% of his patients births, and when he talks about his patients you can see a twinkle in his eye. He even told Cam (knowing that he is going to PA school) that he could catch the baby if he wants :)... Sorry to ramble. I just want everyone to be this happy with their physician.

I will wrap this scattered, weird post up by showing you the onesie Cameron bought for his son this weekend. I have never seen him so excited or proud about anything. He is going to be dad of the year!

Happy Monday.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Desert Living

A month into my Nevada residence I've come up with a few opinions on desert living. Because the status of my baby bump and morning sickness remains stagnant, I figure today would be a good day to change the subject and share with you my thoughts on vida en Las Vegas.

1) The desert is dry. Obvious as that might seem, my expectations for what dry weather might mean to my daily life didn't span much beyond that thought that I might need to apply lotion twice a day instead of once. I was wrong. No matter how many applications of lotion, my skin remains akin to that of a lizard. I itch. My nose bleeds. I snore. My 32 sticks of chapstick are quickly dwindling. This is an adjustment to be made.

2) It's hot. I have a very small window for what I accept as "perfect weather." San Diego will spoil even the most laid back of people, and as a born and raised Southern California girl, I'm sorry to admit that 90 degrees is just too hot for me. I can't even imagine what 115 in july will be like. When it's 90 degrees in Las Vegas, people wear long sleeve shirts and ugg boots. I on the otherhand, have been forcing my husband to dress as an eskimo in our nicely air conditioned home. I may regret these decisions upon arrival of this months electric bill. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

3) Everyone here has at least one tattoo. I don't feel strongly opposed or for this fact, It's just an observation. I suppose it doesn't really belong in the opinion list just yet, but I thought it was interesting nonetheless.

4) Everything is open 24-7. Perhaps my favorite thing about living in this particular desert. Maybe one of the only things, besides the cheaper cost of living and being close to Cam's family, that I actually enjoy about Las Vegas. The food selection is pretty wonderful too.

5) People drive SO slow. The speed limit on the freeway near our house is 55. People drive 45 on it. Why? Why are you driving so slow? ... Over/under 60 days until I get my first speeding ticket?

That's pretty much it so far. I'm sure I'll have more updates as we get more settled. We're still on the hunt for jobs, Cam starts school in a few weeks, and we have friends and family coming to visit us this month! yay!

In the spirit of maintaining some sort of pregnancy related subject matter on this blog I will update you with this: My thighs are a little confused on where exactly the baby is going to grow. You see, they are rapidly increasing in size, and I'm assuming they think they need to make room for the baby. I keep trying to set them straight by telling them they don't need to grow, my abdomen has it covered, but somehow they still haven't got the memo.

Bikini is not in the forecast this summer.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Baby J is a HE!

Yesterday we had our elective ultrasound and learned that we are having a BOY!

I was completely and totally shocked! I convinced myself we were absolutely having a girl and had to force myself on a number of occasions not to purchase pink, ruffley, glittery baby swag.

I'm sorry I ever doubted you, son.

The ultrasound was one of the coolest experiences ever! The studio had a big comfy bed for the mom-to-be and theater like seating for up to 15 guests. The ultrasound was projected onto a big screen on the wall, and we even got to select music to play in the background. We walked away with lots of pics of our sweet boy, a 15 minute DVD of our ultrasound, and tears in our eyes. Best money spent yet.

These are pictures of the pictures and are a little blurry... Is it weird that I think he's cute already?

The tech (who has never been wrong in 6 years of ultrasounds) had no problems locating his manly parts and said she was 100% sure it was a boy. He was spread eagle, proudly displaying himself. He is his father's son. Not shy.

I'm SO happy and slightly terrified about having a boy. I've always wanted to have a boy first... and now I'm not so sure I even know what to do with one?

One thing is for sure: Whatever we name him, I'll probably end up calling him "Moose."

If you plan to ask me why, I don't have an answer.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Despite the fact that it just looks like I ate one too many potato chips, there really is a baby in there.

What is Baby J's Gender?