Tuesday, June 19, 2012

25 weeks!

We're getting closer to meeting RLJ! My belly is slowly, but surely, expanding... as is the rest of my body.  Here we are at 25 weeks:

I somehow always manage to take these pictures without remembering to put away the junk on the counter. Sorry. I swear I do clean my home on a regular basis.

His kicks are starting to feel like an actual person kicking me in the stomach - Which,  I'm guessing is a good sign, as many painful parts of pregnancy are "a good sign." He moves my whole stomach and will kick my hand off if I push on him. He's feisty! It's exciting to feel that he is getting stronger and bigger, and yet I'm dreading what the kicks and rolls will feel like 2 months from now :)

In other news: It's officially the temperature of the actual sun outside. In case you don't have your conversion charts handy, 110 in Vegas weather = 150 in pregnancy weather. Cam recently informed me that we can expect nearly 120 degrees by late July/August, maybe hotter. Just the thought makes me want to cry. One of the things that I didn't anticipate about this whole move is that I would be spending most of the Summer INSIDE, a new concept for this Southern California girl. A pale complexion and an additional 15 pounds are slightly traumatizing for me at the moment, and I'm on the hunt for a decent/safe self-tanner to bronze my bump. Call me vain, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

I realize that I've become a lazy blogger, and I wish that I can promise that I'll get better, but the truth is I'm slightly forgetful. It isn't until I receive a disgruntled text message from a friend or family member demanding belly shots that I remember to update. But, I do want to document this experience: the good, the bad, and the chubby.

Here's to 15 more weeks (hopefully less...)!!


What is Baby J's Gender?