Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hello, Second Trimester.

Today I am officially in my second trimester - 13 weeks feels good, even though sickness is still apart of my daily life.

I love my baby.
It's hard not to love something you sacrifice for.

In other big news: We are now Las Vegans! Our place is kinda cute. We're still getting settled, but once we do, I will take some pics!

It'll still be a few weeks before we get to see the doctor here. We found "The best OB in Las Vegas" according to every source around, which also means he is the busiest. In the meantime, I'm past due on an appointment and am eager to hear my babe's heartbeat - SO, we found an ultrasound place to do a heartbeat scan. It's cheap, and as part of the package they offer guaranteed gender checks. Our appointment in ONE week from today! AH!

Let's pray Baby J is in a good position.

Starting soon, I'll post pictures of the baby bump. There's not much to see, but I'm starting to grow a little! It'll be fun to have some progression pics!

Sorry this post was boring. My charm and wit went out the window around 12 weeks. For your sake, I hope it returns soon.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Reisling, Please.

Do you think it would be ridiculous to request a glass of wine in the hospital post delivery?

With a side of sushi?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Pink Nails and Chubby Face.

Today I felt good ALL day. A first in over a month. I had to document:

I even painted my finger nails.

...and I already have what I like to (delicately) call "Chubby Face"
I am only 10 weeks pregnant.
What am I going to do with myself?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Almost 10 Weeks!

Still sick. Stomach flu 24-7 sick. Crying because I feel like a dying 80 year old sick. Sleep for 14 hours sick.

I'm not sure why, but I always assumed that my pregnant life would be more akin to that of a woman featured on the TV show, "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant." Not that I didn't think I would look pregnant, but more that I would breeze through nine months unscathed by pain or stretch mark. I guess maybe I thought that most pregnant women were a little whimpy. Maybe some are... Maybe I am. But, whatever the case, I was wrong.

They say that morning sickness typically peaks at 10 weeks, and then starts to subside around 12 weeks when the placenta takes over most of the responsibility for producing pregnancy hormones. I'm desperately hoping that those stats hold true for me.

I want my life back now.

I'll be 10 weeks on Thursday, and then a week from Thursday, I will become a Nevada resident. This means that in the next week I have to stop puking and sleeping and start packing up all of our stuff.

I realize I sound a bit "doom and gloom" lately. I promise that my zing will be back soon. But, in the meantime, you may have to endure a few more posts on powerade, saltine crackers, and the various locations in which I find myself sick. Please don't de-friend me.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sorry, Ralph.

Yesterday I tossed my cookies in the parking lot at "Ralphs"

How appropriate.

Have I mentioned that I think pregnancy is really sexy?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Week 9

I am nine weeks today. That means I have one measly little month left of the first trimester. Apparently, it also means that I am a hormonal mess. It's all about perspective.

Here is some information I'd like to share with you on being 9 weeks pregnant:

1) After approximately 30 mins-one hour of any activity (cleaning, walking, internet researching, etc) I'm ready for a nap. preferably a long one.

2) If you smell like wet dog or coconut oil, please don't come near me. I have the nose sensitivity of a wolf and there's no telling how bad the rage may get. Plus I'll puke on you. Guaranteed.

3) My baby is now the size of a green olive and has 99% of the muscles it will ever have. It's starting to move around. I cannot wait to feel those movements!

4) Cramps and heartburn. Why are people not warning poor, unsuspecting women about this?

Pregnancy is so sexy.

What is Baby J's Gender?