Tuesday, August 28, 2012

35 weeks Huge.

Since the last post we've gone to SD for a visit, had a BEAUTIFUL baby shower, put together our crib and changing table, painted the nursery, and put the sweetest pile of baby clothes through the wash. It's been a whirlwind of productivity, family, friendship, and laughs. 

I'm at a loss for words when I even begin to think about expressing my gratitude towards the amazing group of people we have supporting us. Our friends and family create such a fullness to our lives. There simply is no expression to match my thankfulness! And every time I get caught up in the pains of being 9 months pregnant, I try to think on these things.

However, the purpose of this blog to document all, and so I will move on to some of the realities of week 35:

Although I still have 5 weeks to go, (Dear Lord, please let it be less than 5 weeks...) I'm properly claiming my place in the "Get this baby out of me" phase of pregnancy. If you tell me it's too early to do so, I will probably hit you in the face... or, at least, give you a dirty look. 

Here are the top three things that have changed in the last 2 weeks:

1. My belly. This may seem like an obvious one, but with the baby gaining at least a pound a week now, my belly is getting more and more huge with each passing day. Every other part of my body is paying for this.

2. My digits. Are those toes and fingers, or SAUSAGES attached to your hands and feet? ...Did I just have to erase the last sentence at least once to correct the mistakes made by my chubby fingers slipping around the keys? 

Oh, and for the record, I chose to remove my wedding rings this week. Let's just pretend it's due to "swelling," and not the pound of candy I ate after dinner last night.

3. My sleep. Oh wait, I don't do that anymore.

I finally understand why people comment on the brutality of the last part of pregnancy, and yet I still have WEEKS to go. 

The saving grace of it all? I get a really cute baby at the end. 

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