Saturday, May 12, 2012

19 weeks

I'm SO sorry I haven't updated in a few weeks! I don't have a valid excuse. If it makes you feel any better, the last time I blogged was also about the last time I went to the gym. Not sure why that would ease your mind, but it's a true fact nonetheless.

In an attempt to self-inspire for this little baby blog, I found a list of "weekly questions" with which to document pregnancy progress. Answering these questions every 7 days seems a little over-kill to me. BUT, I do think it's a pretty cool concept, and I will try to answer them every so often.

Here it goes:

How far along? 19 weeks and some odd days! Just a few days left until I'm at the half-way point!!

Weight Gain? Oh boy... I'm not sure exactly. Last doc. appointment (3 weeks ago) it was 6lbs. But, I feel like I've gained a TON these past few weeks. I'm afraid to know the answer to this question. I'm looking pretty plump!

Sleep? I thought about lying on this question so as to keep my whining to a minimum...But, the truth is i'm starting to think I may never sleep through the night again. At least for the next 10 years. My hips hurt, my bladder is full, and I'm chronically hot. On the bright side, my peach of a husband purchased a body pillow for me that helps SO much! I love him.

Best moment of the week? About a week and a half ago I started to feel my little love kick. It's still the best part of my week. The best part of my day. Very few things are as wonderful! Just can't wait until Cam can feel it too!

What do you miss? Wine. I have dreams at night about drinking a glass of wine. I realize this makes me look like a little bit of a wine-o. I promise I'm not. I just want a glass. Just one.

Movement? The kid is wild in there! I feel him almost every time I'm sitting or lying still.

Food Cravings? I haven't really had intense food cravings. My appetite has been outrageous ever since the morning sickness started to get better! I want to eat all day, which is a very odd thing for me. Could this explain why I've grown another chin in the last 3 weeks? Maybe?

Anything making you sick queasy or sick? I still get the occasional wave of morning sickness. It's just part of this pregnancy for me.

Wedding rings on or off? Wedding rings on. Really hoping I'll be able to keep them on for a while.

Looking forward to: Our next doc appointment on wed!! We will get another ultrasound, and I'm so excited to see how our babe has grown.

I'm going to have Cameron take a belly picture of me tonight so I can update you on the bump progress... It has changed quite a bit! I promise it won't be 3 weeks before you get another update :)

Happy Weekend!

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